Frequently Asked Questions

Why attend a training/conference ?

Attending a live conference or training, rejuvenates the professional's soul. Early childhood professionals put their heart and soul into their work everyday. Making time to recharge those batteries is crucial in maintaining a high level of performance. Juelie's trainings are high energy and allow for attendee involvement. What better way to be re-energized than with laughter, fun and learning with fellow colleagues!

How long is a training or speaking engagement?

Just like working with children, the answers is "it depends". It depends on the needs of the clients as each opportunity is designed around the needs of the attendees and the overall goal of the event.

What's the difference between coaching and mentoring?

Coaching: Juelie will appoint times, goals and activities with clients and "coach" them through the process of goal setting and completion. Follow up support is provided to assure success. Just as a sports coach encourages and places expectations on players, so does Juelie.

Mentoring: Mentoring is a one on one training session. New employees may benefit from this type of training as well as programs needing specialized assistance with a specific need or topic (i.e. challenging behaviors in staff or children).

Why hire Juelie?

That's easy. She's has the "been there, done that" experience attendees relate to. She tells it like it is with humor and straightforward facts.

Ok, I'm in... What's next?

Call 772-473-4994 for a free 30 minute consultation
